ASUN and WAC Confirm Football Partnership for 2021 Season
The ASUN Conference and Western Athletic Conference have confirmed a previously reported scheduling agreement for the 2021-22 FCS football season. Seven teams will compete for the combined conference title and…
A Review of the Recent College Sports Realignment News
Editor’s note: This post has been updated as of Tuesday, October 12, 2021, to include corrections and changes. This list will no longer be updated to show future changes. Please…
Reexamining the North Dakota State to FBS Argument
Yet another clickbait article talking about North Dakota State moving up to the FBS? The title of this article alone probably made most Bison fans shake their heads and continue…
Is the Atlantic Sun the Best Option for Central Arkansas?
The FCS landscape is shifting soon with the confirmation that Southern Utah has not only received an invitation to the WAC but is also seriously considering the move from the…
Sports Enthusiasts’ College Sports Realignment Speculation List
We have a penchant for looking into a crystal ball and speculating on potential realignment possibilities at the collegiate level. We started by looking at some FCS to FBS moves…
WAC’s Southland Conference Overtures Make Little Sense for the Schools
The latest from the WAC rumor mill is gaining traction. Earlier in October, Matt Brown reported that Southland Conference teams were being targeted by the WAC. This week, four teams…
Gauging the Potential Impact of the Free Transfer Rule
The NCAA is proposing a new rule for Division I student-athletes that will allow them to transfer one time without a time penalty. Under the current rules, a transfer from…
What Might a Renewed WAC Football Conference Look Like?
The newest member of WAC will reportedly be the Southern Utah Thunderbirds according to Matt Brown though SUU was quick to refute the report. Full disclosure: I am not a…
Is West Texas A&M the Next Team to Jump to Division I?
On Wednesday, Tarleton State President James Hurley gave a “State of the University Address,” which was posted to YouTube. In this address, Hurley let it be known that the WAC…
St. Thomas Division I Move Still In Limbo
Editor’s note: St. Thomas was approved in July 2020 to move from Division III to Division I beginning with the 2021-22 season. The University of St. Thomas is currently attempting…